Energy Efficiency in Transport
& e-Mobility Program

The transport sector plays a key role in reducing GHG emissions: it accounts for nearly one-third of the emissions from fuel combustion in West Africa (WRI 2020). In addition, the high growth of the West African car fleet, combined with rapid urbanization, significant urban sprawl and limited public transport services, makes travel in West African cities slow and expensive and leads to losses in competitiveness for many economic sectors. Improving urban mobility by considering the needs and uses of the entire population is therefore becoming an economical imperative.
In terms of mitigation, regional institutions are showing a strong interest in shifting the transport system from road to railways, with 13 rail transport projects mentioned in the ECOWAS master plan for the development of regional infrastructure by 2040/2050, for a total of 21,620 km of new or rehabilitated lines, compared to only 16,660 km of new highway corridors. In addition, the recent adoption of Directive C/DIR.2/9/2020 demonstrates ECOWAS’ leadership in mobilizing for greater energy efficiency in the sector and contributing to improved air quality. The approved roadmap also calls for the establishment of a harmonized regional framework for vehicle data and labeling. At the same time, member states are required to introduce fiscal incentives to promote cleaner vehicles, including electric mobility.
Given all these considerations ECREEE launched in 2019 in collaboration with UNEP the ECOWAS E Mobility program which aims to help member states implement strategies to increase the share of electric vehicles in the vehicle fleet to meet mobility needs.

Contribute to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and energy bills using efficient and sustainable means of transport.

- Development of a baseline assessment and policy recommendations for the introduction of 2- and 3-wheel electric vehicles in 14 countries in the ECOWAS region.
- Seven first 100% electric vehicles in Cabo Verde, 1 car for ECREEE under AGoSEREE-AO.
Under Preparation
- Integration of electric mobility with renewable energy solutions in Côte d’Ivoire
- Integrated adoption of electric mobility in the maritime sector through clean technology innovation in Cabo Verde.
- Development of a regional initiative on two- three wheelers, EVs including large capacity building activities.
- Development of regional e-mobility projects based on the Cabo Verde’s model.

- Exchanges at regional level are regularly organized to address the challenges and opportunities in sustainable mobility.
- Strategic studies are carried out and recommendations are made.
- Boost the penetration of electric vehicles in the ECOWAS region.
- Regulatory and institutional framework is well suited to the sustainable integration of electric vehicles.
- The stakeholders’ capacities are strengthened in the ECOWAS region on sustainable mobility issues.
- Ambitious strategies and projects are initiated at country level.

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