Energy Efficiency
in Industry Program

Industry plays a vital a vital role and contribution to make in achieving the net zero CO2 emissions. The International Energy Agency (IEA) 2016 report put forward that more than 3.5 billion people – half of the world’s population, live in nations with unsafe air quality. This can be attributed to industrial solid waste and air pollution resulting from the use of fossil fuels as sources of energy. For instance, Nigeria, the country with the largest population in Africa and a member state of ECOWAS, is ranked 168 out of 180 countries in the Environment Performance Index 2022.
The 15 ECOWAS Member States stand to benefit from energy-saving opportunities offered by the Industrial Energy Efficiency Program (IEEP). Some services that Member States need in respect of IEE are: a) a regional industrial energy Policy, and an institutional and legal framework; b) Energy Efficiency Network (EEN) in industries, c) Regional Capacity Development; d) Technical assistance; e) and piloting of energy-saving interventions.
To address the issue in the member states, the project in industrial energy program is focused on the strengthening of national industrial and environmental policies and regulatory frameworks for IEE and environmental management standards, Modular IEE Energy Management Systems (EnMS)/Energy System Optimization (ESO), Training and Capacity Building Programs.

The overall objective of the EE in Industry Program is to promote a reduction in carbon dioxide (CO2) generated by the industrial sector through the introduction of energy efficiency measures and facilitation of clean energy technologies up-take.
Specific objectives are to:
- Develop supportive policy, institutional and legal structures and establish a technical capacity within the region to support EE and RE in the industry.
- Raise awareness of the potential for EE and RE in industry.
- Create awareness on energy management systems among policymakers, facility managers, and the general public and engage in discussions with key stakeholders on the adaptation of ISO 50001 standards
- Promote equal participation of women and men.
- Develop a strategy for ISO 50001 adoption and approval and implementation of ISO 50001.
- Build capacities of policymakers in design, implementation, monitoring, and evaluation of policies and programs for the market uptake of EnMS in the industrial sector.
- Train and certify ISO 50001 energy managers, a group selected eligible professional staff from member industries.
- Conduct ISO 50001 certifications by a reputed and licensed international Certifier in different manufacturing sectors.
- Accelerate the adoption of industrial energy efficiency (IEE) and to improve enterprise environmental performance under the wider umbrella of Resource Efficiency and Cleaner Production (RECP) best practices and innovative approaches within selected small, medium and large scale industrial enterprises.

- Capacity building of member states on introduction of ISO 50001 and ISO 14000 series in member states.
- Training of energy auditors.
- Introduction of Energy Management (EnMS), and Environment Management Systems (EMS) based on ISO 50001 and ISO 14000 series in member states.
- Capacity building and Awareness creation workshops in member states.
- Trainings on Energy Performance Contracting in member states.
- Review of measures to promote energy efficiency in the industrial sector.
- 160 experts trained in 8 ECOWAS members states for the establishment and management of Energy Performance Services and the use of EE Energy.
- Performance Contracting, measurement and verification of EE measures
- Promotion of EE Market and Energy Performance contracting: Benin, Burkina Faso, Mali, Niger, Senegal, Togo)
- Finance and investment trainings in Nigeria
- Cleaner production trainings in Nigeria
- IEE-RECP trainings in Nigeria
Under Preparation
- Development of project document for ECOWAS Industrial Energy Efficiency Program (IEE)
- Identification of sponsors for the IEE project

- Improved Government knowledge base for strengthened national policy & regulatory environments and resource efficient and cleaner production. The aim of this outcome is to support the technical capacities of relevant Government ministries, departments, and agencies (MDAs) in member states to enhance institutional policy and regulatory frameworks in the country.
- The capacity of the industrial sector and the industrial consulting base is strengthened regarding the EnMS/ESO and RECP methodologies within a sustainable framework that supports long-term competency development and the delivery of technical assistance on EnMS/ESO to industrial enterprises.
- International management standards’ functionality improved through enhanced national ISO 50001 series & ISO 14000 series accreditation and certification capacity.
- Strengthened internal capacity of selected and expanded EnMS/ESO/RECP training centre/project host in order to provide and coordinate EnMS/ESO/RECP training and related implementation technical assistance to member states’ enterprises on a longterm and ultimately commercially sustainable basis.
- Through targeted piloting and demonstration, national awareness on: – EnMS & ESO; – improved productive use of natural resources and manufacturing inputs (water, chemicals & materials); and – waste/emission minimization, in the industrial sector is strengthened within the scope of regulatory compliance and increased competitiveness.
- Through a limited financial investment assistance package for participating ESO & RECP pilot companies the uptake of the ESO and RECP implementation and associated investment is increased under the program
- ECOWAS industrial, manufacturing sectors have increased access to finance mechanisms (commercial and Government) needed for the financing of energy efficiency projects and cleaner production, resource efficient projects to realize the cost-saving benefits of EnMS/ESO and RECP
- Enterprise management (across the entire ECOWAS industrial sector and selected commercial sectors) is aware of the potential financial, economic and environmental benefits that adopting EnMS, ESO and RECP can yield.
- The ECOWAS Industrial Energy Efficiency Program is fully monitored and evaluated under periodic implementation assessment of impact.

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