Deadline:Friday, July 17, 2020 – 23:00
The GEF Project (ID 5331) entitled “Promoting investments in small to medium scale renewable energy technologies in the electricity sector of Guinea-Bissau” is executed by the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) in close partnership with the Ministry National Resources and Energy of Guinea Bissau, the ECOWAS Centre for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (ECREEE) and the Small Island Sustainable Energy and Climate Resilience Organization (SIDS DOCK). Through combined interventions in the areas of technology demonstration, policy advisory, knowledge management and capacity development, the project aims at the creation of an enabling environment for renewable energy investments. The project foresees the development and installation of a set of renewable energy projects with a total electric capacity of 2.5 MW. Besides other technologies, particular emphasis has been given to innovative medium-scale PV mini-grid hybrid systems for rural electrification and productive uses. Guinea Bissau is a country with a population of less than 2 million and a high potential of solar mini-grids to improve energy access, given that the electricity access rate is as low as 27% in a national level. There are already various PV/hybrid mini-grids installed and operating, owned and operated by the government, community-based associations or the private sector, including the projects in Bambadinca and Bissorã communities.
In this context, a Call for Proposal (RFP) is launched to recruit a consultant/consultant firm to perform specific activities that will ensure the sustainability of both mini-grid projects.
The deadline for submission of proposals is the July 17, 2020, 23:00 UTC-1. Proposals should be submitted in English and sent by email ONLY to , clearly indicating in the subject: “TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE TO ENSURE THE LONG-TERM SUSTAINABILITY OF THE CLEAN ENERGY MINI-GRID PROJECTS IN BAMBADINCA AND BISSORÃ IN GUINEA-BISSAU”
The individual email size should not exceed 10 MB and the attachments should not be on zip format.
For any clarifications please contact the Project Coordinator Mr. Eder Semedo
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